Wednesday, August 10, 2011

So proud of Brandon...

Brandon is five and a half now. I've noticed such a big difference in him this year. He's really growing up! He "officially" starts Kindergarten in a couple of weeks which I am excited about and so is he. He's still going to be homeschooled but on more of a schedule this year. Xander will be doing pre-school along with him. Brand will be playing soccer for the city for the first time this year. Hopefully he will enjoy that. Xander will be playing on a league at the YMCA.

Brandon has been much more helpful with things lately although he still gets into lots of trouble with his brother. He knows better now a lot of the time, but he'll do things anyway and then he'll say something like "well, Xander said to do this or that." He's got to stop listening to Xander!

A couple of weeks ago we were at Applebee's and Xander had to go to the bathroom. My first thought was "oh great, now I have to drag everybody into the bathroom". Brandon spoke up though and said "I'll take him." I happily agreed and they were back in a flash. (We were very close to the bathrooms so I could see them. Besides, it was David's Applebee's...) My baby is growing up to be a big boy!

He does so well coloring and doing worksheets now. He is really patient and able to sit for long periods of time while doing these things. He follows directions very well and is able to put together things with his trio-blocks or legos by following the directions. Sometimes I just sit and watch him do these kinds of things...

I've seen many babies turn into kids or teenagers, but this is the first time that I've seen a child grow from birth into a little person. I'm continually amazed by my experiences as a mom and I can't even imagine what my "babies" are going to be like in ten years or even twenty! I continue to pray that the Lord will be with them and help me to raise them to be the best that they can be. :)

Mommy loves you Brandon, Xander and Isabella!

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