Thursday, August 4, 2011

I plan to lose 50 lbs. by my next birthday...

Calorie counting is a pain. It's not just about making sure that you're eating the right number of calories (1200/day for me right now) but it's trying to figure out how many calories are in something! Everything doesn't come pre-packaged in little bags that tell you exactly how many calories are in them and the stuff that does is usually no good for you. As much of a pain as it is though, it works. It's a simple philosophy. Burn more calories than you take in and you'll use up that "extra" you have hanging around - also known as fat. :)

I have a lot of "extra" hanging around. I've added a lot of "extra" since I stopped eating meat. I guess I was filling up on extra carbs and fats to replace the meat that was no longer filling me up and keeping me fuller longer. I've been doing some research and learning better ways to eat to satisfy my bodies needs. Recently, for example I've been studying "complete proteins." Complete proteins or whole proteins are made up of the correct proportions of all nine essential amino acids and are necessary for the dietary needs of humans. Not all foods containing protein have all of the amino acids therefore a mixture of protein containing foods will provide your body with a more complete protein source. Apparently, meat by itself is a complete protein but if you want to get the result of a complete protein (which your body uses to restore itself) you can eat things like beans with rice or peanut butter with milk. Eggs by themself are a complete protein as well.

I plan to pay close attention to my calories and proteins however much a pain it is and lose 50 lbs before my next birthday. Completely doable if I keep myself focused. I can do this. I know I can.

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