Friday, December 3, 2010

Isabella's first teeth!

Isabella cut her first tooth on Saturday, November 27th at Grama and Papa's house. This is her "I'm getting my first tooth" pic taken the night before. She was a little crabby but not too bad! She cut her second tooth today, December 3rd, the lower right central incisor. She's getting to be such a big girl! She was gnawing on my hand today and it actually hurt! She tried mac n' cheese for the first time today at Bob Evans and she was all about it! She actually cried for more in between bites which she never does with her fruits and vegetables. :)
I gave her a sippy cup with cold water in it today also. She gnawed on and played with it for a little while but she didn't get much of the water. Poor baby. She's always been so good at putting herself to sleep. The past couple of weeks with staying at my mom's, her cold and then her teeth, she's gotten too used to having mommy nearby and hasn't been wanting to go to bed by herself. After a clean diaper, nursing and meds I had to let her cry for a few minutes tonight so she'd go to sleep on her own. I hated to do it but I know it was for her own good. She has always been such a good sleeper I don't want to mess it up like we did with the boys from day one. They're still sleeping in our bed! She only cried for about 5 minutes and then she was asleep.
She is such a good girl. I love her so much and so does her daddy and big brothers! The boys are so excited that she is "growing up" and getting her teeth. They love that she "sits on her butt" too! They are so funny. Xander always says that he wants to have too babies. I asked him if he wanted a boy or a girl baby and at first he said a boy but he quickly changed his mind and said he wanted two girls. I don't think that he realizes that by the time we would have another baby Isabella wouldn't be one any more! :)
I'm trying to teach the boys to communicate with each other better and not to come crying to me or David with every argument or "he hit me." They have been very good about listening to what I have to say and communicating to each other how they feel. Maybe some day they'll actually be able to settle their own disputes!

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