Monday, November 22, 2010

Boys say the funniest things....

Some recent conversations with the boys:

Xander is looking at his Fisher-Price catalog that came in the mail. He's been carrying it around all day. "I don't want this Batcave. (Pointing to the Trio Block one that I have a 50% off coupon for.) I want this one." (Points to more expensive - no coupon - Imaginext Batcave.

Me: "Honey, I have a coupon for the other one (the one Brandon wants.) If you want that one maybe you can ask Santa for it for Christmas."

Xander: "I just want to get it from Walmart."


Me to Brandon: What's your name boy? (I've been asking them both this since they were babies.) Brandon: "Xander."

Me to Xander: What's your name boy? Xander: "Brandon."


Me to Xander: "What street do you live on?" Xander: "South Point." Very Good!
"What city do you live in?" Xander: "South Point." Doh!

Me to Brandon: "What street do you live on?" Brandon: "Avon Lake." "No, what city do you live in?" Brandon: "Avon Lake." Maybe if they get lost together they'll be able to find their way home. :)


Brandon from the other room: "Isabella!" As he starts crying. I'm thinking that somehow she hurt him. I get into the other room and she's eating his instructions for making his Robin plane as he watches in horror!

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