Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Pregnant: Week 9 Rant

8 week ultrasound picture
I keep saying that this pregnancy has been rougher than my other ones but I think the reality is that its pretty much the same.  I think I've always been exhausted, nauseous, unable to eat very well and generally feeling pretty crappy the first trimester.  I think I just forget because in reality its only a couple of months and is quickly replaced with other concerns.  Its kind of like those first newborn months, for me anyway, after awhile they're all a blur!
This week I reach week 9.  This is especially important to me because I feel like I'm getting past the miscarriage worry.  I've seen the baby on ultrasound twice now.  Once at 7 weeks 1 day and once at 8 weeks.  The baby looked great both times and I could clearly see and hear its little heart beating.  The tech said it was about 133 bpm.  After losing three babies I worry a lot during those first few weeks.  This pregnancy I did have a small blood clot but, thank God, it disappeared by the 8 week ultrasound. 

I'm starting to realize that some of my stomach discomfort is being caused by my pants being too tight around my stomach.  Mostly when I sit down.  I guess its time to get the belly bands out.  Some friends recommended them to me when I was pregnant with Isabella.  They sure made a difference and I was able to wear my regular pants a lot longer.  They were nice after my c-section too. 

Thankfully I haven't really gained any weight to this point.  I'm trying to watch my weight and have a "healthier" pregnancy but it hasn't been easy to exercise since I feel so crappy most of the time.  I'm not able to eat much.  My stomach hurts all the time.  It will hurt when I'm hungry then hurt when I eat.  I can't eat anything spicy or drink coffee.  I have to eat very small portions when I do eat or I get really sick to my stomach afterward.  Its not fun but I'm hoping this stage will be over in a couple of weeks.

I started taking Zofran 4 mg that dissolves because I was having so much nausea that I felt like I was unable to function most days.  I have five kids to care for Monday-Friday so I have to be able to function.  So far it is definitely helping.  It's expensive though and I don't want to take it too much so I've only been taking it in the morning and not at night.  It has its own side effects but at this point I think its good that I'm taking it.  Hopefully by week 11 or 12 the nausea will let up and I'll be able to stop. 

So I feel like crap, but it won't last forever.  I know the ups and downs of pregnancy but in the end the little bundle of joy that will be placed in my arms in June will make all of this a blur just as the last three have.  I'm going to try to blog this pregnancy as much as possible.  It's fun to look back and who knows - maybe there will be a baby number five and I can look back and say "oh, yeah.  I remember now.  It will be over soon!"

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