Friday, June 5, 2009

Lord, Help Me Say Goodbye to Someone I've Never Met... Again

When I was 5 weeks 4 days pregnant, I went to the OB's office for an ultrasound because of light bleeding. They couldn't see much but drew some blood to test for pregnancy hormones. My hcg was 7000+ and my progestrone was 16 so my doctor said there was an 89% chance the pregnancy would "continue." The following week I went for another ultrasound where I could see the baby, see and hear the heartbeating, everything was great. The baby measured 6 wks 4 days. That day the bleeding got heavier so I called the next morning and they asked me to come in for a repeat ultrasound. The baby measured 6 wks 5 days, was doing great but my doctor told me that I had some blood clotting where the baby was trying to implant in my uterus and that it may kill the pregnancy. She had me come in on Thursday for another ultrasound which is when I saw the little baby with no heart beat. I was in shock. I really thought that everything was going to be ok. The doctor asked me if I wanted a D & C but I definitely did not. I had another ultrasound on Friday to make sure but it also revealed no heart beat. I was able to pass the baby on my own at home during the night while the boys were asleep. We planted a Snow Fountain Weeping Cherry Tree in the front yard in memory of our little Angel that is waiting for us in Heaven. I can't explain why this happened again, but I know that God has a plan for us and all we can do is trust in Him.

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