Wow! Time really does keep on ticking whether you want it to or not. I'm ashamed to admit that I haven't been making all of those great decisions that I planned to and here comes Christmas a mere 27 days from now. I'm not even close to my goal. However, just as I predicted my sweet Rosalie is much bigger and smilier! She's almost sitting up all by herself and she's rolling from back to front. She's adorable and loved by all who meet her. She wins them over with her tonguey grin! Her brothers and sister all love her and enjoy having her around. Isabella still likes to copy her and is slipping into a "baby" phase. I don't make too much of a big deal out of most of it because I know it's just her two year old way of handling having a baby sister who gets a lot of attention. She will sometimes put a pacifier in her mouth to try and get a reaction. She is more attached to her bottle than ever. She wants to dress like her baby sister and use "baby" spoons to eat her food. Tonight we discovered that they just don't work too well with spaghetti!

In spite of all her "babyness" Isabella is successfully training to go potty on the potty and not in her diaper! Yay! Potty training is tough. It's a messy job but it's got to be done. She's doing great! Week one down. I waited until she let me know she was ready. She did this by wanting to purchase some Dora underwear at the store. She's wanted underwear before but this time seemed different. She opened them in the car and couldn't wait to get home and wear them. I let her put a pair on when we got home. She wore them the rest of the night without a single accident (going on the potty three times!) and then didn't want to wear a diaper to bed. I let her go to sleep in them but quietly changed her into a diaper after she was fast asleep. She didn't protest as much when she was sleepy. The next day she did great except for pooping in her underwear and the day after that the same. I set up a sticker chart for her. She puts a sticker on each time she goes on the potty and when she gets 10 in a row she gets a small gift. It's working! She wouldn't poop on the potty and after several days I was desperate to find something to motivate her. I went into the attic and got one of her wrapped Christmas presents. I showed it to her. I showed her her name on it and I placed it on the bathroom sink. I told her when she went poop on the potty that it was hers. Within a few hours, she finally pooped in the toilet! She proudly called for me and informed me that "Now I can have my snowman present!" Motivation. That's all she needed! She still has a couple of accidents a day but she's going regularly and will even tell me she has to go when she has a pull-up on and we're out. Hopefully this whole process will not take too long! :)
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