The Parents
My husband and I have been married for eight years now. We have four beautiful children. We are evangelical free christians. We are members of our church and enjoy serving in the children's ministry. We love our children and having a big family. We have chosen to homeschool our children and not to vaccinate them. We are mostly attachment style parents. We co-slept with our boys as babies and are just now getting them out of our bed! Our daughters are good sleepers and prefer their own space. I have nursed all four of them for different amounts of time and I'm still nursing the baby. We enjoy our family and are always looking for ways to live naturally, stretch our dollars and serve our Lord! I look forward to sharing this journey with you.
Our first born, Brandon is a shy boy most of the time. He's getting much better the older he gets. He's definitely a daddy's boy - always has been. He played soccer for the second time this year and he's doing great! I'm so proud of him. He and Xander were on the same team this year. He plays and has fun which is all I can ask. He is showing more interest in sports although his favorite things are super heros, trio blocks, legos and video games. He can sit for long periods of time putting together a lego kit or playing a video game. For a six-year-old, he is great at following directions and has a great attention span when he is interested in something. I've been trying to using that to my advantage while homeschooling him. He is in first grade this year. He is reading well and math is his favorite subject. His loves to read Dr. Seuss books. Besides his school work, he does so many things everyday that he learns from whether it's cooking with me or playing Uno, Skip-Bo or another board game as a family. There are so many opportunities to learn in everyday life. I hope he enjoys learning and makes it a way of life. We should never stop learning!
Xander is my middle child. He just turned five! He is a very loving little version of his father. He loves to be around other kids and he has a GREAT memory. He remembers everyone’s name (often even their last name!). He and Brandon are "best brothers" and Isabella is his "best sister." He is everyone's "best-buddy." Unless he is sleeping, he is talking or making some sort of noise. He loves super heroes too - especially Spiderman. He loves to watch cartoons and is starting to get into video games. He is a doodle bug! He can draw for long periods of time and tell you a story all about his picture. He has a wonderful imagination. It's always entertaining to listen to him and Brandon play pretend. He is also a big fan of playdough and of course can make up a story to tell you all about what he is making. He seems to be overly sensitive these days and will (fake) cry at the drop of a hat. Real tears and everything! Hopefully he will grow out of this. He's adorable though and I very much enjoy being his mom. He is a kindergartner this year and learning to read using "Teach Your Child To Read in 100 Easy Lessons." His attention span is not very long but that just means that I have to be more creative when teaching him!
Isabella is the girl I've always wanted! She's such a happy little girl. She's a mischievous little pre-schooler these days. She has to explore and play with everything. I call her my little "mess-maker" because she leaves behind a mess wherever she goes! I remember going through these days with the boys. (They still make messes - just a different kind of mess now!) This is just one of those stages that she will go through. She enjoys watching her brothers and loves to do what they do. She loves her baby sister and wants to be just like her! Sometimes its fun to sit back and watch her especially when she doesn't know that I'm watching. I look forward to teaching her everything that I know and learning new things with her. I hope that she will have a lot of the same interests so that we can enjoy doing things like scrapbooking, sewing and cooking together. I want her to be her own person and discover what the Lord has planned for her (I just hope it's close to home!)
My sweet Rosalie is getting so big so fast. It's amazing how fast the first year goes by and how fast they change throughout that year. Rosalie is almost sitting up by herself and she's rolling from back to front. She likes to be held by mommy A LOT! It makes it hard for me to get other things done but I realize it's just a short time in her life. She has the most beautiful smile that can brighten anyones day! I love her little laugh. When she was 4 1/2 months old she would watch everyone eat and her little mouth would move. I talked to her doctor and decided to start feeding her. (I usually like to wait until 6 months.) We started with bananas and she loved them! We're so blessed that God has chosen to add her to our family!