Yesterday Isabella and I went to a little girl playgroup at a friends house. The girls were all 16 months and under and didn't much care to play together but someday they will. We had lunch there and then stopped at a garage sale on the way home. Much easier to do when you only have one munchkin with you! She took a nap. I read a magazine (Above Rubies - great read!) Then I decided to take her to get her picture taken at JCPenney's. We hadn't been since her one year pictures and she changes so much at this age! I always go to Penney's for pictures. Their prices are reasonable (for most things when you have a coupon!) and they have the FREE Smiles by Wire which usually beats me home. Our photographer was Sarah, again and she did a great job with Isabella. Isabella had lots of fun. We were the only ones there so we were able to take our time and get some adorable shots.
After we left the studio we went to look at the clothes (why do I do that???) I found some adorable clearance shirts for Isabella one of which I had my eye (and hands!) on last year but decided not to get. They had ONE left and it was a 3T. Isabella wears 18 months, but I thought "she would grow in to it." She grabbed it from me - literally! She clung to it until we got to the register and didn't even want to give it up to the cashier. I had to pry it out of her hands!! After she rang it up, I gave it back to her. She was happy to hold it in the car and then when we got to Michael's she didn't want to let go again so she held onto the whole time we were in Michael's and then all the way home! This is a shirt I'm talking about! She LOVES this shirt. Such a girl!
While I was feeding her dinner, I was telling her "hot" as I cooled down her food (which I usually do.) She started saying "hot, hot" and has been saying it ever since! She even said it for Daddy when he came home.
I let her wear her oversized shirt today and she looks so cute! She's wearing it in the picture on her way to take her nap :) (Picture is a little fuzzy because I took it with my phone.)
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