I picked my first cucumber out of my garden yesterday! Looking forward to lots more. I have a ton of stuff growing in my little 8x8 plot. Most of it came up on its own. Over the winter we throw all of our scraps into the garden to make our own compost. This year I tilled up the garden, added humus from the city and then planted my seeds. Later I noticed that there were all kinds of plants growing up that I didn't plant! Many of them were unmistakably recognizable such as tomatoes, peppers and some types of squash which I have not been able to identify yet! My tomato plants have been growing like crazy. I've already gotten plenty of tomatoes, strawberries, radishes and raspberries this year. I was about to get some spinach and romaine lettuce, too, but a groundhog beat me to it! I'm working on putting the fence back up around my garden before I lose anything else. I think that there's enough of the plants left that I should still get a good harvest of lettuce and spinach this year. I very much enjoy gardening. There's nothing like eating something that you've grown yourself!
I try to use only organic products in my garden which can sometimes be difficult to find or expensive. Lately I've been using Whitney Farms Organic plant food, insecticidal soap and outdoor insect killer. I also like their organic lawn weed killer although I did notice some brown spots in my lawn after using it. It did help with the weeds but I pretty much have a weed-lawn so even after using two bottles I still had weeds! Everything seems to be doing well after the rainy start that we had. Lately I've been watering a lot because we haven't been getting much rain at all.
We've been here for four years now June 22nd. Every year I plant a little more and change a little more in the yard. I've been quite pleased with the changes. Every year I learn a little more, too. I always say I'll get everything just right just in time to move! At least I'm learning and getting lots of practice. Someone is going to get a very beautiful and fruitful yard someday. In the meantime, I'll enjoy it :)
nice blog, Bobi. congrats on the garden.
Thanks, Aaron!
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