I'm looking forward to a quiet weekend. This week has been kind of crazy for no real reason and I feel like I need some "rest." I get to sleep in again on Saturdays now that Xander is done with his swimming lessons at the YMCA. By sleeping in, I mean that I get to wake up to children instead of an alarm! Works for me. Saturdays are kind of a special day for me and the kids because we get to wake up and go at our own pace. Most Saturdays David has to work so it's just us. We don't have anyone coming over and we don't have to be anywhere. It's amazing how having five kids all week makes having three seem like a breeze! Tomorrow is going to go something like that except Bauby is coming over in the evening to babysit so that David and I can do some Christmas shopping - together without kids - that's rare! David doesn't like shopping but I'll try to make the most of it :)
bella is still working on some teeth so she hasn't been a very happy camper; especially at night! I feel so bad for her but I have to help her to get through this without ruining all of her good habits. She's always been able to put herself to sleep in her crib. I find myself rocking her to sleep more and holding her more because she wakes up in pain. I've even brought her in to lay down with me... NO! She's doing such a good job sleeping in her own bed. It's not that I haven't loved co-sleeping with the boys especially when they were much littler, but I've realized mostly since they've gotten older that its been much harder on them to break these kinds of habits. Brandon is almost five and still sleeping in our bed! So is it not better to help them develop their independence from the start?? I have such loving and cuddly boys though... I'm so torn on the subject of co-sleeping that I would never try to give anyone advice in that arena!
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