Sometimes I go through my blog or my notebooks that I keep for the kids and think, "oh that was so cute - I forgot all about that!" It's a reminder to me to keep taking the time to write these things down because even though it's all fresh in my mind now while I'm living it, time changes all of that and you forget a lot of the little things. Thank God for cameras but we need more than that...
Brandon is four and a half now. Actually, he's closing in on five pretty fast. He insists that he wants to stay a kid. He doesn't want to grow up. He was telling Xander and I this earlier today and I told him that it's good to grow up and you can do more things. Xander said "yeah, you can drive, and go to work and do machines like daddy!" Too funny. That didn't seem to persuade Brandon though. He just started wiping his own butt on Monday. I just had to refuse to do it anymore because he wouldn't even try. He would tell me that he wanted to grow up like me and then he would wipe himself. That didn't sound good to me! I decided that even though Xander has only been potty trained for about four months that he could probably wipe himself too because I've seen him try before. So I made a sticker chart with the numbers 1-50 on it. I told them that each time either of them wiped themself they would get a sticker for there chart and once they got to 50 they would get the Batman cave that they've been asking for. Wow. They have both been wiping and loving it. They brag about it and are very excited to get their stickers. This makes Mommy and Daddy very happy!!
Brandon and Xander play well together most of the time. I love when Brandon asks Xander "can we share the blah blah blah" and Xander will answer very cheerfully, "course!" "Course" seems to be his answer for most things there days. I don't know where he got it from but it's very cute! I shaved all his hair off to 1/2 in. and he looks a lot more like Brandon. He's very proud of his short hair. "Like daddy" he'll say. Both of them want everything they see in commercials (rare as they see them) ads or in stores. They are very into costumes. Xander carried around a Halloween store ad for about a week!
Isabella is learning to sit up all by herself! She's eating solid foods now. She loves squash, peas and green beans. She's been eating pears better but doesn't seem to care much for fruit or carrots. Hopefully that will chang the older she gets. She loves to watch baby einstein which is still a favorite for the boys as well. (Of course they want every toy they see on the show!) Isabella still sleeps in her own bed although she wakes up at least once a night wanting to eat. She doesn't have any teeth yet. Her gums are looking very white these days though so I'm sure it won't be long. She's been sticking her tongue out a lot which is funny. She loves her brothers and misses them when they're not here. They are always entertaining her and hugging and kissing on her. Brandon will tell her often how beautiful she is and that he loves her. Xander will tell her he loves her and that she's so cute! They are good big brothers.
Isabella's beginning to cry. I better go feed her and then get to bed myself...
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