Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Catching Up

Wow! I was just reading over my previous posts from a YEAR ago - almost exactly. It's interesting to visit earlier times and be reminded of the details and the thoughts that went through my tired brain!

Brandon is now three and Xander 19 months. They play together quite a bit now although they have their moments :) Brandon is talking very well now. He knows his alphabet and can recognize all of his letters. He knows most of his numbers to 10 (even in Spanish!), his colors, and shapes. He's a very smart little guy. He recently started playing on the computer at websites like and He enjoys them and is doing well with the mouse on the laptop, but some of it is still a little over his head.

Xander is walking, talking, and jumping now. He's a little bundle of energy!! He loves to go, go, go but when he's tired - he's tired! He's my little cuddle bug. He loves to hug and kiss and cuddle up with mommy, grama or whoever (mostly women!) He also loves his "babies." He'll carry them around and hug on them or he'll push them in the stroller. He'll make a good daddy someday :)

We've been going to church at Providence now. Pastor John and Melissa moved to Columbus so we started looking for a larger church where the boys could make more friends and be involved in more activities with children their own ages. They are enjoying their classes and most of the time are excited about going. I'm so happy about that because we went to Hope for awhile and all they did was cry! David and I are in the process of taking the Providence 101 Membership class. I'm enjoying learning about the history of the church and the opportunities that are available to us there.

I'm still at home with the boys during the day. I sell Cookie Lee Jewelry. I've made it to Senior Consultant so far, but my goal is to become Executive Director I by the end of the year. I enjoy selling the jewelry. It's always fun to get together with women and relax for a bit. It gets me out of the house and out where I don't have to be "mom" for awhile. :)

I provide childcare for a little boy named Aidan during the day M-F. He's almost 10 months old now. He's been coming here since he was 2 months old. He's starting to stand up while holding onto the furniture and stuff now so I'm sure he'll be walking in no time. He's a little too young to play with the boys much so he gets bored. He wants to be held a lot and I feel bad when I don't have time to hold him. He only wants to play with the toys when I am right their with him so if I'm not he'll follow me around crying :( I remember when the boys were at this stage... he'll be out of it soon and in the playroom laughing and making messes with the boys in no time!

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